Burger Hugenottenkabinett      



The usage and offering of these data by non-public organizations is not allowed.

Publisher: Evangelisch-Reformierte Petrigemeinde Burg
Bruchstr. 24
39288 Burg
phone: +49 (0)3921 - 22 93
eMail: eMail to the Hugenottenkabinett
Internet: www.hugenottenkabinett.de

The St. Petri congregation is a public corporation.
Corporate management: Mrs. Hella Ziese (same address as the Hugenottenkabinett)

Person responsible for content: Mr. Bernhard Thüne-Schönborn (same address as the Hugenottenkabinett)
Text: Mr. Bernhard Thüne-Schönborn, Burger Hugenottenkabinett
Edited by Mrs. Ute Engelmann, IWT
English translation: Mr. Richard Mueller
Whitehorse, Canada
phone: +1-660-4545
Conception, design and programming IWT Engelmann GbR
Mrs. Ute Engelmann and Mr. Andre Engelmann
phone: +49 (0)170 - 757 4904
eMail: info@iwt-engelmann.de
Internet: www.iwt-engelmann.de
Sources: City archive of Burg:
B 39, Nr. 2-11 Koloniesachen: C 2, 1 David Meise, Stadtsyndicus, Beschreibung der Stadt Burg 1724.
Archive of the superintendency Burg
1 b Vermehrung durch Kolonisten (Edikte betr. die Privilegien und Freiheiten ) III.
5 Kirchenakten der ehemaligen französischen Gemeine in Burg, die merkwürdigsten Verordnungen und Edikte enthaltend (1689-1800)
Archive of the St.-Petri-Church:
Die Merkwürdigkeiten der Pfälzer Kolonie 1700-1750
II, 1 Divers papiers concernant les charités que défunt Mr. Galhac, marchand á Leipzig a fait á l'eglise francois á Bourg 1719-24
II, 2 Ecrits qui concernent les maisons Orangeoises des 4 familles qui sonté tablies á Bourg 1723-31
Geschichte der französischen Colonie in Magdeburg, Halle 1886-94, Band II
Zur Geschichte der evangelisch-reformierten Gemeinde St. Petri in Burg b. Magdeburg
Picture credits:
Filename: Author, description, further information:
berlinertorturm_foto.jpg Andre Engelmann, IWT
egge.jpg Monatsblatt October of the brothers von Limburg
empfang_in_burg.jpg Mural in the city hall of Burg, painted by Mr. Arthur Pohle
photo by: Lothar Bernick
franzosenstrasse.jpg Andre Engelmann, IWT
Donated by the elder and master bricklayer Orthloff on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Reform Petri Congregation in 1891.
henri_IV.jpg This picture is taken from the free knowledge data base Wikipedia. It is marked as public domain.
hugenotten_in_burg.jpg Bernhard Thüne-Schönborn
hugenottenkabinett.jpg Bernhard Thüne-Schönborn
hugenottenkreuz.gif By courtesy of "The Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland",
innen_altar.jpg Bernhard Thüne-Schönborn
innen_orgel.jpg Bernhard Thüne-Schönborn
kapelle_alt.gif Sketch by Andre Engelmann, IWT
Copyright © 2005 David Monniaux
Edited by Mr. Andre Engelmann, IWT
This picture is based on France_cities.png taken from the free database Wikimedia Commons.Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. The author of the original picture is Mr. David Monniaux.
kirche_heute.jpg Andre Engelmann, IWT
kirche_mittelalt.jpg Minister Jürgen Reuter, 1962
The list of the first Huguenots in Burg
ludwig_XIV.jpg "Louis XIV. 1673 vor Maastricht"
This picture is taken from the free knowledge data base Wikipedia. It is marked as public domain.
pflug.jpg Monatsblatt March of the brothers von Limburg
City map of Burg, based on a map around 1700, Mrs. Ute Engelmann and Mr. Andre Engelmann, IWT
stadtansicht_1830.jpg "Burg von der Mittagsseite" (um 1830)
City archive of Burg
stadtansicht_1900.jpg The city of Burg around 1900, sketch by K.H. Schirmer
City archive of Burg
startbild6.jpg Murals in the city hall of Burg
Arrangement: Mrs. Ute Engelmann, IWT
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