Burger Hugenottenkabinett      



Evangelisch-Reformierte Petrigemeinde Burg

Phone: +49 (0)3921 - 22 93
eMail: eMail to the Hugenottenkabinett
Address: Hugenottenkabinett Burg
Bruchstr. 24
39288 Burg

For a quick message to us you may use this contact-form


For your journey to the Hugenottenkabinett here is a simple map of Burg available (PDF-file):

Simple Map

Please click the image to open the map - 48kB - PDF-file

Opening times & guided tours

As a rule the Huguenot museum room is open Wednesdays between 16.00 and 17.00 hrs. Special appointments for guided tours with church viewing and a short guided walk through the city can be arranged ahead of time.


The Reformed Community of Burg depends on donations for the museum's operation and maintainance. Donations can be sent to the following account:

Donation account no: 511 002 645
Account in the name of: KVA Burg
Bank code: 810 540 00 (Sparkasse Jerichower Land)
'As payment for' "Spende Hugenottenkabinett"
Donator's name and address

Donation receipts will be sent after contribution .